As you know I currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia but I am originally from the great state of Idaho. Plane tickets back home aren't ideal for a 23 year old writer with baby puppies, so my other half & I usually drive back and make a trip out of it. Stopping along the way to ski/snowboard as well as see people in our west coast states.
We started our journey five days prior to Christmas, planning to spend it with my family in Boise. My little brothers and sister are still very little and Christmas is a very exciting time for them. I've never missed a Christmas in the time that the three of them have been born and I didn't intend to start, even though there were 2000 miles in between us... seeing those sweet faces Christmas morning is worth every second of it.
Of course spending time in your home town has it's perks, it also has a weird way of showing you the person you are now. I am thankful every single day for leaving, mainly because I really found myself. Going back home to visit really shows me that those roots actually are what make you, but what you do with those roots once they have formed, are what define you.
I observed a lot of things this trip back home and realized the things I truly value. My family isn't perfect, but who's family is? The one thing that I truly admire about them is their ability to forgive. I'll hear about all of these different things going on with different members of the family, negative things, angry statements and numerous dramatic outbursts. But NO MATTER what I hear, during our yearly family Christmas-eve party, EVERYONE is invited, treated the same, is loved, cared about and everyone is Family.
My Grandma has always said to me "sweetie, you can't change them. You just have to love them." I have always respected her for saying that. She has always stood beside every single one of her kids/grand kids no matter what they've done or how they've treated her. She is what they call a real Guardian Angel.
But there are also two people I love dearly and truly look up to. My GREAT Grandparents, that's right... GREAT Grandparents. I call them my Nana & Papa.
They are still going just as strong as most peoples' Grandparents. They have been together since they were 15 years old and have always had such a deep faith in God.
.... My Papa has always paid for everything in cash, his whole life has been cash only. He believes that if you can't pay for something in full, then you don't need it. He's built the house in the hills that my Nana lives in, by hand.
It is absolutely beautiful up there, I have memories of going there from the time I was a very little girl and going back to visit always makes me feel so warm and comfortable.
Landon and I decided that people like my Nana & Papa are the people you want to learn from. They are wise beyond their years and have seen way more then A LOT of people. They are the ones to be curious about and to learn from, and we took this opportunity visiting to do so. We were very blessed for that.
Straight from Idaho we made the trip to Landon's home town of Salt Lake City, Utah. Getting a chance to spend time with his family as well as to ski one of our favorite mountains! It was a great experience, we got the chance to go on a family trip to the Lava Hot Springs (something his family has done for years) and I had the amazing moment where I actually felt accepted by them. Which is something I have longed for, and another story all in its own.
... FINALLY getting the chance to go to the top of a mountain with the whole world beneath me was enchanting. Snowboarding gives me one of the most freeing feelings I could ever search for. I get that moment to forget about everything going on around me and enter a state of peace, which is completely priceless.
So I know a lot of the entry has been just repetitive stories about seeing family and our trip home... but I had a point in giving this back-story. A moment that inspired me, like most of the inspirations for my entries, this one got me thinking.
We had planned to spend New Years in Denver, Colorado at a music festival called "Decadence" where were intended to meet some friends.
During our excursion from SLC to Denver, we stopped at a gas station in the middle of no-where... & as we were leaving, we saw a bunch of young people standing outside a van & a car with a sign that said, "Ran out of gas."

Now when I say hippies, I don't want you to picture a 'Bum' looking kid.... or even someone dirty lacking any motivational skills.
What I saw in these people was Freedom. From what I could tell, these were Gypsies. Young people that made the decision to see how far they could get simply living off of the grid. Traveling as far as they could, viewing as much of the world as they could and viewing it not just with their eyes, but with their hearts.
Who's to say these people are the wrong ones in this scenario? At least they stopped making up excuses and starting making adventures instead.
.... Naturally I gave them they ten dollar bill in my purse. They took it from me, smiled while bowing and said,"bless you."
I almost wanted to thank them, for doing what many cant. God intended for all of us to learn from each other, interact and live off of the land. Granted times have changed and living in the moment isn't realistic anymore, it's still inspiring to see people like that. I sit and wonder about all of the things they've seen, who they've met, stories they probably have....... all I can do is smile.
The legendary Tom Petty sings a song that's lyrics I feel portray this part of my entry very well.
"Well I started out down a dirty road
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
And the town lit up, the world got still
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
And the town lit up, the world got still
I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing
Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn
Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out for God knows where
........I guess I'll know when I get there."