The smile that brings so many un-answered questions to light. A tool that all of us posses but often choose not to U S E
It's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged...
Don't worry, I've been feeling my subconscious mind tugging at me to get on it.
It's sort of my way of displaying art, it has to be the right moment, it will hit me often at the weirdest times and I always try to go with it.
I'm making myself vulnerable... putting my experiences and passions out there for the world to see. But I'm not going to filter it, everything I'm giving you is real and based on my own point of views from my own personal experiences.
That being said....
As I've touched on in previous posts, I've been extremely intrigued and eager to learn off of the people around me. Doing so, has also inspired me to read specific books, most recently, "How to win friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. I've began using some of the tactics he speaks on... I admired many of things he touches on but there was a few in particular I put to the test....
The power of remembering a persons name, smiling, ... & choosing to
listen to understand and then be understood.
...part of my current job has me attending many different concerts, festivals and local shows. I was more recently asked to attend a show in a particular genre that I do not have a lot of experience covering.
They classify this genre as "Metal"... don't get my wrong the beauty of the position I have makes it so that I have a very open mind to music...
It takes a lot to get me to NOT enjoy a live performance...
Music is art, an art I will always appreciate.
... back to the story
I arrived at the show, obtained my press pass and went inside. I did all I could to "Grunge down" in an efforts to bring less attention to my 5'11 blonde self.... it was tough but I did my best.
As I watched the first performance I became engrossed into the beauty behind their music, these guys get so passionately into their performance that it makes it hard not to be envious of their freedom.
Soon after the group I came to watch finished, there was 3 other performances to come.
I didn't need to stay...
But as I stood there completely alone looking around the room, I thought to myself...
I need to start taking my own advice as well as Dale Carnegie's advice....
Instead of satisfying my feeling of awkwardness by leaving, I need to use this moment to my advantage.
I took a look around and realized I could make this into an opportunity. I do not know a single person here
... but there are so many different personality types at this event, people I am not usually around... that I could learn something.
Instead of diving in to other peoples conversations, I grabbed a drink...sat a table... and simply just S M I L E D
....Up walks a tall curly haired guy wearing the same band T-Shirt as I... he commented on the shirt and asked how I knew the band..from there we just dove into conversations about different types of music... along with our common interest in snowboarding...
Soon after his friends joined, politely introducing themselves to me and beginning to talk with me just as well.
Soon enough we were all dancing and laughing, enjoying what was left of the show. After it ended I was lingering around talking to the group as people began to trickle out...
I look towards the stage and I see a guy and a girl in the center of the venue ...
Pretending to have a samurai sword fight.....
I'm dead serious
They had imaginary swords in their hands and they were pretending to have a true ninja sword fight....
I could see people randomly glancing their way, making that " Wow...those people" facial expressions...
... & maybe it's just the Idaho girl in me...
.... but I thought it was absolutely hilarious, amusing and just all around awesome that they just didn't give a single... [insert bad word here]
So I decided to go up to them and tell them that for myself...
& I am pretty sure it made their entire night, completely unaware anyone even noticed..
It's those little random moments that I treasure most.
I create my own reality, I can choose to either go with the moment, or just go along like all the other moving trains in the world.
Which would you prefer?
Back to the group I spoke about earlier, a few of the boys/girls were actually in the band I originally came to see....
They all began talking up this ski trip they were planning that weekend and spoke about how excited they were to have rented a cabin for 4 days in Beech Mountain, North Carolina..
.. I was so curious about the types of Ski Mountains this side of the country has to offer that I began asking questions, before I knew it they were inviting Landon & myself to join...
Yes that's right, they invited us to come with them...
What would most people do in that situation? ... Make up excuses? ... Say things such as,
"Well I don't know them that well"
"It would take a lot of time to drive up there.."
... I can go on???
When I presented this idea to Landon...
he basically said, "Okay so when are we leaving?"
.... when it comes to the freedom of the mountain, we don't ask questions we just go with it...
SO.. You guessed it, we drove the 5 hours to a rented cabin in North Carolina all to ski/board with a group of people we barely knew for the weekend...
and guess what?
I can honestly say....
We've now made friends that will always, in some way be apart of our lives forever.
It was so comforting being around personalities that reminded me of people back home in the West.....
very free spirited, open minded, happy with their lives and just all around G O O D.
To sum up what I am trying to portray in this post....
What would've happened if I had just left the venue after the first band finished...
if I would've just went with the fact that I was there alone......
and made a point to just leave...
That probably would've been the easiest decision I could have made....
But look what I got out of the route I went with?
I pushed through a fear and sugarcoated it with a smile...
and I made some amazing memories
and more importantly,
some amazing F R I E N D S
["You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." - Dale Carnegie]
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